Summer  2023

MOTHER Playlist

We are very pleased to share a playlist to accompany the exhibition MOTHER at NOON Projects, Summer 2023. 

The playlist features MOTHER artists Mary Lattimore and Julianna Barwick along with many artists who have inspired the curation and whose music we feel completes the exhibition. We are very thankful for their sounds and we hope you enjoy.

Listen to TIDAL Playlist Here

Listen to Spotify Playlist Here

Ólöf Arnalds
Baby Dee
Meg Baird
Julianna Barwick
Joanna Brouk
Douglas Dare
Mary Lattimore
Lael Neale
Sinéad O’Connor
Arvo Pärt
Ana Roxanne
Suzanne Vallie

*A Note on Spotify
NOON Projects does not support Spotify’s unfair payment policies twoards musicians. To learn more about the demands for fair payment from the Union of Musians and Allied Workers click HERE. NOON has chosen to share this playlist on Spotify in order to reach the most people globally. When you are able, please buy artists directly from musicians or from services like Bandcamp which pay muscians fairly. Links to the artists’ Bandcamp page are listed above.