9.14.2024 – 10.19.2024

A Line to You
Curated by Christian Rogers 

NOON Projects presents "A Line to You," curated by Christian Rogers, opening September 14, 2024. This exhibition celebrates the deep connections that unite and inspire artists, emphasizing the intricate bonds and mutual respect that tie their work together. It stands as a testament to art's power to connect and cultivate both ideas and people, leaving a lasting impact on the art world at large.

"A Line to You" pays tribute to Jim Hodges' 1994 sculpture of the same name—a delicate string of flowers cascading from ceiling to floor—illustrating how even the simplest gesture can create a throughline of emotional resonance. Initially a modest list, the show expanded to include 50 remarkable artists, such as Jeffry Mitchell and Daniel Long from the Pacific Northwest, alongside newer connections from Los Angeles like Raymie Ladevaia and Hannah Knight Leighton.

Presented in a striking floor-to-ceiling, salon-style hang, "A Line to You" is brimming with the work of creators—dreamers with raw vision, deeply committed to the daily practice of living and making art. This maximalist display forms a constellation of paintings, drawings, photographs, and sculptures, inviting viewers to explore the richly layered fabric of concepts and connections woven throughout a creative community.

Like Hodges' sculpture, the exhibition emphasizes the enduring ties that connect one artist to another, expanding and transforming a single thread into a map—a love triangle that bridges the art scenes of Portland, New York, Los Angeles, and an ever-growing online network of supportive queer artists. Whatever connections you discover, "A Line to You" serves as a powerful reminder of the enduring purpose of artistic creation and the meaningful bonds that art can forge.

Jamie Arenas
Steven Arnold
Edwin Arzeta
Ricky Bearghost
Paul Booth
John Brooks
J. Carino
Iván Carmona
Josh Cloud
Heather Drayzen
Juanita Edwards
James Garcia
Jay Gaskill
Jesse Genepi
Dan Gluibizzi
Hunter Harvey
Ignacio Henríquez
Eric Hibit
Brad Hoseley
Evan Hynes
Raymie Iadevaia
Morteza Khakshoor
Rainen Knecht
Justin L'Amie
Shiela Laufer
Hannah Knight Leighton
Ian Lewandowski
Matt Lifson
James Lipsius
Daniel Long
Higinio Martinez
Taylor McKimens
Jeffry Mitchell
Oat Montien
Nick Naber
Justin Olerud
Page Person
JD Raenbeau
Jeffry Rinsky
Morgan Ritter
Hugo Rocha
Gabby Rosenberg
Alexandra Sherman
Anthony Sonnenberg
Natalie Strait
Brian Stremick
Shohei Takasaki
Pace Taylor
Storm Tharp
Brea Weinreb

Group Exhibition

Sepbemter 14, 2024
6–9 PM

On View Through October 19, 2024